YRS04 White noise and comb signal generator Laboratory comparison source

YRS04 york
Including tax 13% unit price: 75000
Manufacturer brand:York
Equipment name:White noise and comb sources

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The YRS04, manufactured by york and distributed by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, is a signal generator with both white noise and comb signal outputs that can be used as a comparison source for verification in the laboratory, capable of outputting in the frequency range of 1 kHz to 1 GHz. It is an ideal reference signal source for verifying and validating conducted and radiated measurement systems, as well as for comparison and validating site performance in measurement environments, such as fully-anechoic, semi-anechoic chambers, open areas, and test sites. It is an ideal reference source for verification and validation of conducted and radiated measurement systems, as well as for comparison and validation of site performance in measurement environments (e.g., fully anechoic, semi-anechoic chambers, open-area test sites).

Typical Configuration Diagram

Typical Configuration Diagram

Feature Description:

  • 9kHz-30MHz Conducted Emission Test Verification
  • 30MHz-1GHz radiated emission verification
  • White noise and comb signal output
  • Investigation and characterization of the shielding performance of different measurement environments, e.g. fully or semi-anechoic chambers, open area test sites
  • as a reference signal source for the following tests:
    • Periodic pre-test inspections as needed to meet certification bodies and standards such as ISO 17025, DEF STAN 59-411
    • Comparison between EMC test labs and different sites
    • Long-term performance monitoring
    • Verification of shielding performance of blocked
    • Cable Loss Measurement
  • Evaluate component assembly characteristics such as filter loss, amplifier gain and bandwidth
  • Spectrum analyzers, receivers, antennas and cable pre-checks
  • Inter-laboratory and proficiency testing programs

Technical parameters:

Noise source model YRS04
manufacturer york
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available Models YRS04KIT1

- YRS04 Main Signal Source

- MON04 Monopole Antenna


- YRS04 Main Signal Source

- MON04 Monopole Antenna

- NIA02 LISN Adapter

Test frequency range 1kHz-1GHz
time stability 1dB (12 months)
temperature stability < +/- 1 dB, 1 kHz- 1 GHz, 15°C-30°C

< +/- 1.5 dB, 1 kHz -1 GHz, 5°C-40°C

working hours 6-10 hours
stepper 1kHz, 10kHz, 100kHz, 1MHz, 10MHz adjustable.
output level 60dBμV
output connector N
size 85cm*85cm*85cm
paradigm LF noise | LF comb modes | OFF | HF Comb modes | HF noise
Other options - Alkaline batteries.

- packaging box

- CD or USB flash drive containing manual and calibration data

- CAL23 Manufacturer's test certificate showing output power measured from 1 kHz to 1 GHz, all modes, using a spectrum analyzer.

Comb signal output from signal source

Comb signal output from signal source

For more output mapping contact us for more information.

Selection of higher frequency noise signal sources YRS05 Test frequency 25Hz-6GHz