YRS02 York Comb Spectrum and White Noise Signal Generator 30MHz-1GHz

YRS02 York
Including tax 13% unit price: 66666
Manufacturer brand:York
Equipment name:White noise and comb sources

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Tip: This device has been marked for discontinuation in 2024!

Recommended Alternative: YRS04 White Noise and Comb Signal Generator Laboratory Comparison Source

YRS02 Introduction:

The YRS02 Comb Spectrum and White Noise Signal Source is one of the test instruments produced by York in the UK and distributed by EUTTEST in China, and consists of three different configurations:

  • YRS02KIT01
  • YRS02KIT02
  • YRS Combination Kit

The difference between KIT01 and KIT02 is that the main unit is the same but the antennas are different, YRS02 is the main unit of signal generator configured in both kits, YRS02 can complete the continuous conducted white noise output from 9kHz to 1GHz, and the comb spectrum noise output from 5kHz to 1GHz, the noise amplitude does not change by more than 1dB every 12 months, and it can be utilized in the period of EMC darkroom verification, laboratory comparison and other routine procedures, the noise signal can be tested by sweep receiver for conducted and radiated, the step size can be adjusted and set manually. It can be used for EMC darkroom verification, laboratory comparison and other routine procedures. The noise signal can be tested using a swept receiver for both conducted and radiated, and the step size of the noise source output can be manually adjusted and set.

The YRS02 sequence is the same frequency as the YRS01 sequence but there are some differences, contact us for more information.

Noise signal source is harmful to human body, after the purchase of EUTTEST will provide a complete specification of the operating instructions and test guidance.

For more noise source selection, please refer to:

Mainframe technical parameters:

output connector 50Ω N
size 120 mm x 120 mm x 60 mm
weight 1 kg
electric power source 4*1.5V rechargeable battery
white noise source pattern
Available frequency 9 kHz - 1 GHz Conduction Direct Outputs

30MHz - 1GHz radiated output (TLM02, MON03)

temperature stability <+/- 1 dB 9 kHz - 1 GHz, 15 °C - 30 °C

<+/- 2.5 dB 9 kHz - 1 GHz, 5 °C - 40 °C

Yorkemc Domestic Agents EUTTEST
time stability Less than 1 dB per year
operating time 7.5 hours
Comb Comb Spectrum Generator Mode
Available frequency 5 kHz - 1 GHz Conduction Outputs

30MHz - 1GHz radiated output (TLM02, MON03)

Step Selection 10kHz, 100kHz, 1MHz, 5MHz
temperature stability <+/- 0.5 dB 9 kHz - 1 GHz, 15 °C - 30 °C

<+/- 1 dB 9 kHz - 1 GHz, 5 °C - 40 °C

frequency stability <+/- 0.5 ppm, 5 °C -40 °C
operating time 8h

Optional Models:

YRS Combination Kit Configuration Checklist:

Comes standard with accessories: YRS02 Reference comb spectrum noise comparison sourcereference source

YRS03 Reference comb spectrum noise comparison sourcereference source

TLM02 - 30 MHz to 300 MHz (optimum) 270 mm long top-loaded monopole antenna

MON03 - 200 MHz to 1 GHz (optimum) 270 mm long monopole antenna

MCN03 - 1 GHz to 6 GHz (optimum) monocone antenna

LSA03 - LISN adapter with IEC 320 style connector

CAL19 - 30 MHz to 6 GHz output powermeasured using a spectrum analyzer.

all modes (YRS03 only)CAL16: 9kHz-1GHz conduction output data

YRS02KIT01 Configuration list:

Comes standard with accessories: YRS02: Reference Noise Source Mainframe

MON03: 270mm long monopole antenna 200MHz-1GHz

CAL16: 9kHz-1GHz Conducted Output Data

IEC 320: Adapters for RJ11/RJ14/RJ25/RJ45 etc. ISNs

4 rechargeable batteries

Other optional accessories:

Contact us for more information on configuration details.

    • MON02: Telescopic rod antenna
    • MON03: 200 MHz to 1 GHz (optimum) 270 mm monopole antenna
    • TLM01 :200 MHz to 1 GHz (optimum) 100 mm top-loaded monopole antenna
    • TLM02 : 30 MHz to 300 MHz (optimum) 270 mm top-loaded monopole antenna
    • LSA03: Period verification of LISN adapter with IEC 320 style connector
    • NIA01: Period verification ISN adapter with RJ11/RJ14/RJ25/RJ45 style connection
    • CAL16: Conducted output power, 9 kHz to 1 GHz, measured using a spectrum analyser. all modes.
    • CAL17:Radiated field strength, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, measured on an OATS at 3 m or 10 m using a receiver. Noise, 1 MHz and 5 MHz modes, horizontal and vertical polarization .
    • CAL18: Radiated field strength, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, measured in a FAR at 3 m using a receiver.
    • Noise, 1 MHz and 5 MHz modes, horizontal and vertical polarisation.

YRS02 Related technical parameters curve diagram:

Direct Output Power Spectrogram DC-1GHz

Direct Output Power Spectrogram DC-1GHz


Direct output power spectrogram DC-1GHz comb

Direct output power spectrogram DC-1GHz comb


The above data is real test data, contact us for more information.

Output spectrogram in a 3-m method darkroom - horizontal polarization

Output spectrogram in a 3-m method darkroom - horizontal polarization


Output spectrogram in a 3-meter law darkroom-vertical polarization

Output spectrogram in a 3-meter law darkroom-vertical polarization

Configuration diagram for darkroom testing

Configuration diagram for darkroom testing


YRS02 serial products, like YRS01 serial products, can be connected to the LSA03 LISN adapter option for conducted emission comparison testing.