XSLP 9143 Schwarzbeck Dual Polarized Log Periodic Antenna

XSLP 9143
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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XSLP 9143 is a dual-polarized UHF-SHF log-periodic antenna manufactured by schwarzebck in Germany and authorized to be distributed by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. XSLP 9142 Like the antenna, the antenna is also configured with two different signal input ports, A and B. Two identical and vertically orthogonal dual-polarized log-periodic antennas can be used to input two different RF power signals at the same time, because of the different polarization directions, the radiated field strengths of the two ports are vertically orthogonal, and this special configuration can solve the problem of the dual antennas that can't be spread due to the small site of the radio wave chamber, and can be used to evaluate whether the subject can withstand the field strength effects of two different radiation frequencies at the same time. It can also be used to evaluate whether the DUT can withstand the field strength influence of two different radiation frequencies at the same time.

The two amplifiers shown in the figure below can output power at different frequencies for simultaneous testing, which can significantly reduce test time and test space requirements.

Test Configuration Diagram for XSLP 9143 Dual Polarized Log Periodic Antenna

Test configuration diagram of a dual-polarized log-periodic antenna

Structural Description:

XSLP 9143 is a direct use of two identical USLP 9143 The antenna gain and antenna coefficient of this antenna can be directly referred to the technical data graph of USLP 9143. It will not be repeated here.

Technical parameters:

Model number XSLP 9142
manufacturer SCHWARZBECK, Germany
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available frequency 300MHz-5GHz
nominal frequency 300MHz-3GHz
gain 4-7dBi
impedance 50Ω
3dB flap width - E-field 50-80°
3dB flap width - H-field 90-170°
Maximum Input Power 50W continuous

100W short time

size 540*695*540mm
mass (in physics) 0.8kg