XF1 SET set Passive Near Field Probe LANGER-EMV 30MHz-6GHz

Manufacturer brand:Langer

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The XF1 SET series of near-field probes are high-resolution near-field probes manufactured by Langer-emv in Germany and distributed by EUTTEST. The XF1 SET consists of four passive magnetic field probes and three passive electric field probes.


The XF1 SET is used for electric and magnetic field measurements in the R&D phase of electronic modules and covers the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6 GHz. the probe has a built-in impedance matcher, making it less sensitive in the low frequency region than other probes, such as RF type probes. The wide range of test frequencies and the inclusion of a variety of probes from very large to very small sizes allow for a wide range of applications. The XF1 probes are assembled exactly to the customer's needs. The probes of the XF series can be used to step-by-step find the source of interference fields in a module. We recommend that the large, highly sensitive probes are first used to locate the source of the module's interfering radiation from a distance, and then the higher resolution probes are used to further pinpoint the source of the interference. By operating the near-field probe accordingly, the direction of the electromagnetic field and its distribution can be measured. This near-field probe is compact and lightweight and utilizes skin current attenuation. The magnetic field probe is electrically shielded and the XF1 SET near-field probe can be connected to the 50Ω input of a spectrum analyzer or oscilloscope. These near-field probes are internally mounted with terminating resistors.

  • 6GHz high resolution:MFA01 SET Langer-EMV High Resolution Near Field Probe 1MHz-6GHz
  • 20GHz Near Field Probes are now available, please see linked products:SX1 SET LANGER-EMV Passive Near Field Probe 1GHz-10(20)GHz
  • 40GHz Near Field Probes are now available, please see linked products:HR-E 40-1 set langer-emv magnetic near-field probe 40GHz

Main technical parameters:

Frequency range: 30MHz - 6GHz

Interface: SMB, male, jack

Packing list.

The following probes are included with the XF1 SET and can be purchased in any combination, Ø is the approximate resolution that can be tested:

  • 1x XF-B 3-1, magnetic field probe (30MHz-6Hz)
  • 1x XF-E 10, electric field probe (30MHz-6GHz)
  • 1x XF-R 3-1, magnetic field probe (30MHz-6GHz)
  • 1x XF-R 400-1, magnetic field probe (30MHz-6Hz)
  • 1x XF-U 2.5-1, magnetic field probe (30MHz-6GHz)
  • 1x SMA-SMA 1 m, SMA-SMA measuring cable
  • 1x XF 1 qg, XF1 SET Series Quick Guide
  • 1x Case 5

Other optional single probes

XF-R 400-1

XF-R 400-1

XF-R 400-1

Magnetic field probe (30MHz-6GHz) Ø ≈ 25 mm

XFS-R 100-1

XFS-R 100-1

XFS-R 100-1

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈ (10×10) mm, resolution 10mm

XF-R 3-1

XF-R 3-1

XF-R 3-1

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈ 3 mm, resolution 1 mm

XF-B 3-1

XF-B 3-1

XF-B 3-1

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈ 4mm, resolution 2mm

XF-U 2.5-1

XF-U 2.5-1

XF-U 2.5-1

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈ 4mm, resolution 0.5mm

XF-E 09s

XF-E 09s

XF-E 09s

Electric field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈10*10mm

XF-E 04s

XF-E 04s

XF-E 04s

Electric field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈5*5mm

XF-E 10

XF-E 10

XF-E 10

Electric field probes (30MHz-6GHz)

Ø ≈0.5*2mm Resolution = 0.2mm

Test Methods

Near-field probes need to be used with a spectrometer or receiver

XF1 set with Spectrometer Test Configuration Chart

XF1 set with Spectrometer Test Configuration Chart

Frequency characteristic curves and insertion loss for each probe can be requested by contacting EUTTEST.

Use a low-resolution probe to find the approximate location of the interference, then a high-resolution probe to find the specific component location.