VULB 9164 Schwarzbeck Hybrid Biconical Log Periodic Antenna

VULB 9164
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-4-3

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VULB 9164 is a hybrid biconical log-periodic antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck (Germany) and distributed by EUTTEST (Shenzhen). It is a linearly polarized log-periodic broadband antenna combined with a 4:1 broadband dipole, which is capable of testing radiated emissions in the frequency range of 25 MHz to 4 GHz, and the antenna supports power inputs of up to 1 kW power. The power input is limited by the frequency of the antenna as shown in the figure below.

Maximum Input Power Limit Curve for VULB 9164

Maximum Input Power Limit Curve

If you need to test frequency up to 8GHz, please choose the optional VULB 9162 However, its power input is only 200W, so please choose the appropriate antenna to use according to your needs.

Technical parameters:

Model number VULB 9164
producers Schwarzbeck
Frequency range. 25MHz - 4GHz
gain 6.4±1.2dBi
radiance factor 4-37dB/m
standing wave ratio (physics) 1.5
3dB wave width 45°-120°
polarize biometrics
material (that sth is made of) aluminum
impedance 50Ω
Maximum Input Power 1kW Frequency less than 100MHz

For more power limiting data check out the input power graph above.

connector N mother
size 1240 x 1500 x 620 mm
weight 3.1kg
Option-Antenna Adapter aa 9202, aa 9203, ra 9215

Graph of related technical parameters:

Antenna Gain Curve for VULB 9164

Antenna Gain Graph

Antenna Coefficient Plot for VULB 9164

Antenna Coefficient Graph

This antenna can also be used for 1 meter, 2 meter, 4 meter, test positions, contact EUTTEST for more information.