VULB 9161 SE Schwarzbeck Hybrid Biconical Log Periodic Antenna 

VULB 9161 SE
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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Tip: This device has been marked for discontinuation in 2024!

Recommended Alternative: VULB 9164 Schwarzbeck Hybrid Biconical Log Periodic Antenna


VULB 9161 SE is a hybrid biconical log-periodic antenna produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany, Schwarzbeck authorized this antenna to be sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent, this is a linearly polarized log-periodic broadband antenna combined with a 4:1 broadband dipole for broadband antennas, with usable frequencies from 30MHz-2GHz, and with a maximum input power of 1kW.

At the same level of input power this antenna is better than VULB 9161 Physically smaller, the VULB 9161SE's uniquely designed triangular tapered oscillator has been shortened to a maximum width of 1.5m to meet the formal requirements of CISPR 22 (element spacing >0.25m, height 1m, vertical polarization).

VULB 9161 SE Special Antenna Dimension Drawing for CISPR22 Compliance

CISPR22 compliant special antenna dimensional drawings

Technical parameters:

Model number VULB 9161 SE
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Frequency range. 30MHz-1000 (2000) MHz
polarize biometrics
material (that sth is made of) aluminum
impedance 50Ω
Maximum Input Power 1kW
connector N mother
size 1090 x 1490 x 560 mm
weight 3.1kg
Option-Antenna Adapter aa 9202, aa 9203, ra 9215

Graph of related technical parameters:

Isotropic Gain Curve of VULB 9161 SE

Isotropic Gain Curve

Antenna Factor Plot for VULB 9161 SE

Antenna Coefficient Graph