USLP 9143B Schwarzbeck 180MHz Log Periodic Antenna

uslp 9143b schwarzbeck
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-4-3

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USLP 9143B is a logarithmic periodic antenna produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized by EUTTEST Shenzhen for sales and after-sales service. You can use this antenna for radiated immunity test and of course for radiated interference emission test.

Differences and similarities between antennas 9143B and 9143:

The following table is a comparison table of the parameters of two similar antenna models, please select the appropriate antenna for EMC test according to the test requirements.

USLP 9143B USLP 9143
having the same name log-periodic antenna log-periodic antenna
Tests use the same radiant emission radiant emission
Test radiated immunity by injecting 200W of power Test radiated immunity by injecting 200W of power
Different test frequencies 180MHz-8GHz 250MHz-8GHz
Different antenna oscillator lengths 0.78 m (wider) 0.55 m
The 3dB flap width varies 45°-65° 30°-80° (wider)

Technical Parameters

Antenna Model USLP 9143B
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
frequency of use 180MHz-8GHz
gain 5.8dBi; see Figure 1 below for details.
radiance factor 11-44dB/m; see Figure 2 below for detailed data.
impedance N-Type 50Ω
anterior-posterior ratio of radiation >25 dB (> 500 MHz)
cross-polarization >20 dB (180 MHz-2.5 GHz)
3dB wave width - electric field 45-65°
3dB flap width - EMF 90-120°
Maximum Input Power 200 W (<500 MHz)

80 W (5 GHz)

50 W (7 GHz)

size 778*885*60mm
weight 1.2kg

Related Technical Charts:

Figure 1: Gain Curve for USLP 9143B

Figure 1: Gain Curve Graph

We will calibrate the antenna and issue the calibration data before shipment, we will send the complete data with the goods to the customer to use, and provide a brief introduction in Chinese.

Figure 2: Antenna coefficients of the schwarzbeck USLP 9143B for radiated emissions

Figure 2: Antenna coefficients for radiated emissions