USLP 9142 Schwarzbeck Log Periodic Antenna

uslp 9142 schwarzbeck
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-4-3

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The USLP 9142 is a log-periodic antenna from Schwarzbeck MESS, Germany. The antenna's antenna coefficient stays in the range of 23-39 dB/m over the full operating frequency range, and you may need to add a preamplifier to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in actual testing. Suitable for both UHF and SHF bands, the antenna maintains linear polarization over the 650MHz-8000MHz range, and can be used in EMC laboratories for RF field strength emission and RF radiation reception testing of the object under test in a wave darkroom. The antenna is authorized to be sold and serviced by EUTTEST in China, please contact our sales for quotation information.

UHF and VHF bands What are they?

The Chinese name, English name, and frequency range of UHF and VHF are shown below, respectively:

Very High Frequency (VHF) : 30MHz-300MHz

Ultra High Frequency (UHF) : 300MHz-3GHz

UHF and VHF can transmit both analog and digital information in practical use.

For a definition of the radio frequency bands available globally and a description of their utilization, please refer to: Radio Magnetic Spectrum Division Frequencies and Utilization .

Technical parameters:

Antenna Model USLP 9142
producers Schwarzbeck
exporting countries German
China Import Agent Service Provider
Typical test frequency range 800MHz-5000MHz
Extended test frequency range 650MHz-8000MHz
isotropic gain 4-7 dBi, see Figure 1 below for gain curves
radiance factor 23-38dB/m
Input impedance 50Ω, N-Type
standing wave ratio (physics) <1.5
3dB wave width - electric field 50°-75°
3dB flap width - magnetic field 90°-120°
Maximum Input Power Maximum input 300W at 1GHz

Maximum input 150W at 5GHz

size 200mm*455mm*40mm
weight 0.55kg
Optional Adaptive Antenna Mount AM9144
Optional antenna mast adapter AA9209, AA9202, etc.

Graph of related technical parameters:

EMC test engineers can read the gain and antenna coefficient of the logarithmic period antenna directly from the XY coordinates of the following charts and apply them to EMC tests. You can also get the data table from the factory calibration certificate provided with the shipment.

Figure 1: Isotropic gain curve data plot for USLP 9142

Figure 1: Isotropic gain curve data plot