
Attenuator is used to attenuate RF signals a test accessory, attenuator can be 10dB, 20dB signal attenuation of RF signals, and our company can be customized according to customer requirements of the attenuator attenuation amount of size, attenuation of the frequency range, and other parameters, for more information, click on the equipment below the signal or contact us for more information.

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

SHUNT 9571 Schwarzbeck Resistor Taps
SHUNT 9571 Schwarzbeck Resistor Taps

SHUNT 9571 is a splitter manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. It has three built-in resistors of different power and impedance, and can be used for low-frequency magnetic field immunity testing....

ATT-6dB 6dB attenuator for conducted immunity IEC61000-4-6
ATT-6dB 6dB attenuator for conducted immunity IEC61000-4-6

The ATT-6dB is a 6dB attenuator manufactured by AOEMC for use in conducted immunity testing as required by IEC 61000-4-6 and GBT 17626.6 standards. The standard requires that the CDN, electromagnetic clamp...