EMC debugging equipment

Introduction: EMC rectification tool is also a test instrument or equipment, its role is to solve the EMI test and EMS test after the product did not pass the test standard requirements, engineers need to modify the circuit schematic alignment, PCB layout diagrams, chip working principle, etc. to rectify and solve the EMC problem, the ultimate goal is to make the object to be measured EUT through the EMC standard requirements of the certification test Limit value.
Our EMC Rectification Tools offer a variety of different rectification kits and equipment based on EMI and EMS test programs, click on a product below or contact us for more information.

The current instrument classification contains the following subcategories:

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

SF21 Langer Instructional Demonstration of Electric Field Immunity for Testing PCBs
SF21 Langer Instructional Demonstration of Electric Field Immunity for Testing PCBs

The SF21 is a teaching and demonstration magnetic field immunity test board designed and developed by Langer, Germany. The SF21 can also be used with the E1 set immunity development from LANGER-EMV....

SF11 Langer Teaching Demonstration of Magnetic Field Immunity Testing PCBs
SF11 Langer Teaching Demonstration of Magnetic Field Immunity Testing PCBs

The SF11 is a PCB-demo board designed and developed by Langer GmbH, Germany. The SF11 can be used with the E1 set anti-jamming development system from Langer emv...

EMC-Basic 1 set Instructional Demonstration Board for Pulse Group EFT and Electrostatic ESD
EMC-Basic 1 set Instructional Demonstration Board for Pulse Group EFT and Electrostatic ESD

EMC-Basic 1 set is a set of pulse group EFT and electrostatic ESD teaching demonstration boards produced by langer emv, Germany, specifically designed for training students to learn EMC or EMC engineers to practice...

 SX-R 20-1 LANGER-EMV Magnetic Near Field Probe 1GHz-20GHz
 SX-R 20-1 LANGER-EMV Magnetic Near Field Probe 1GHz-20GHz

SX-R 20-1 is a magnetic field probe manufactured by langer-emv and distributed by EUTTEST. It is available in the frequency range of 1GHz to 20GHz and is recommended for use at high frequencies, with a 20GHz...

SX1 SET LANGER-EMV Passive Near Field Probe 1GHz-10(20)GHz
SX1 SET LANGER-EMV Passive Near Field Probe 1GHz-10(20)GHz

The SX1 set is a near-field probe set manufactured by langer-emv and distributed by EUTTEST. The SX1 set consists of two passive near-field probes for high clock frequency measurements in the development phase...

S2 set Pulsed Magnetic Field Monitoring Probe for use with Langer EMV's E1
S2 set Pulsed Magnetic Field Monitoring Probe for use with Langer EMV's E1

S2 set is a pulsed magnetic field monitoring probe manufactured by langer-emv, Germany and distributed by EUTTEST, designed for the correction of products that have failed electrical fast transient pulse train and ESD tests....

RF-U 2.5-2 Magnetic Field Probe Langer EMV 30MHz-3GHz
RF-U 2.5-2 Magnetic Field Probe Langer EMV 30MHz-3GHz

The RF-U Model 2.5-2 Magnetic Field Probe is a near-field probe for detecting RF currents in wires, component pins, SMD assemblies and integrated circuit pins. This probe has an approximately 0.5mm wide magnetic field sensitive notch at the tip, measuring...

RF-R 3-2 Magnetic Field Probe Langer-EMV 30MHz-3GHz
RF-R 3-2 Magnetic Field Probe Langer-EMV 30MHz-3GHz

The RF-R 3-2 near-field probe with high resolution is used for the direct detection of RF magnetic fields on electronic assemblies, such as magnetic fields in pin regions, IC housings, wires, bypass capacitors and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) components. The magnetic field...