Metering and calibration equipment

Introduction to measurement and calibration equipment:

Measurement calibration equipment is used for domestic third-party metrology companies and laboratories to charge a fee for the customer's existing equipment for the measurement of calibration work once a year, and issue measurement reports and certificates. Measurement companies need to prepare some standard and traceable calibration instruments and equipment before going to the customer's company, our agent sales are widely used in domestic measurement company instrumentation equipment, as shown in the following products, please click on the "name classification" or detailed equipment model for more information.

The current instrument classification contains the following subcategories:

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

HFG02KIT01 Comparison Signal Source for Period Verification of Harmonic Scintillation Testers 2.4kHz
HFG02KIT01 Comparison Signal Source for Period Verification of Harmonic Scintillation Testers 2.4kHz

HFG02KIT01 is a harmonic scintillation comparison signal source produced by York of the United Kingdom and sold by EUTTEST Shenzhen, HFG02 is a multifunctional electronic load allows the user to harmonic scintillation test instruments to set...

HFG01KIT01 Comparison Signal Source for Period Verification of Harmonic Scintillation Testers 2kHz
HFG01KIT01 Comparison Signal Source for Period Verification of Harmonic Scintillation Testers 2kHz

HFG01KIT01 is a harmonic scintillation verification and comparison signal source kit produced by York in the UK and sold by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, containing a HFG01 main generator, which can be used by users on a regular basis....

CGE06 york Comb Spectrum Noise Signal Generator Test Frequency-40GHz
CGE06 york Comb Spectrum Noise Signal Generator Test Frequency-40GHz

UK yorkemc CGE06 Comb Noise Generator with 40GHz test frequency is provided by EUTTEST Shenzhen as agent and sales service, including CGE06KIT01, CGE06K...

CGE05 york Comb Spectrum Noise Source Test Frequency - 26GHz
CGE05 york Comb Spectrum Noise Source Test Frequency - 26GHz

The CGE05 Comb Noise Generator, manufactured by York in the UK, is distributed by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China, and consists of the CGE05KIT01 and the CGE05KIT02, two different types of...

CGE01KIT02 Radiation Emission Comparison Source 1GHz-18GHz
CGE01KIT02 Radiation Emission Comparison Source 1GHz-18GHz

CGE01KIT02 is a comb generator comb noise comparison source produced by UK York and authorized by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent sales, the test frequency is 50MHz-18GHz, can output...

CGE01 Comb Spectrum Signal Generator - Noise Source york
CGE01 Comb Spectrum Signal Generator - Noise Source york

The CGE01 is a Comb Spectrum-Noise Signal Generator manufactured by York emc in the UK and contains the following sub-models: CGE01KIT01 CGE01KIT02 CGE01KIT03 CGE...

CGE01KIT01 Comb Signal Source 18GHz
CGE01KIT01 Comb Signal Source 18GHz

CGE01KIT01 is produced by Eurofins York original York emc service and authorized by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent sales comb generator comb ...

CGE01KIT03 York Comb Signal Source
CGE01KIT03 York Comb Signal Source

CGE01KIT03 is produced by Eurofins York and authorized by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent sales of noise comparison source and comb signal source, equipped with the CGE01C battery + signal generator ...