Power frequency magnetic field immunity


Industrial frequency magnetic field immunity test is a kind of IEC61000-4-8, GB/T 17626.8 defined by the demand for industrial frequency magnetic field test and build the test project, electronic products may be affected by the magnetic field generated by other equipment, and they all work in the industrial frequency 50Hz or 60Hz. so it should be used in the industrial frequency of the sinusoidal waveform to carry out the magnetic field experiments.

Source of the industrial frequency magnetic field:

The standard defines an industrial frequency magnetic field as being generated by industrial frequency currents in other conductors or, to a very small extent, by other devices in the vicinity (e.g., leakage flux from a transformer).

Click on a product below to get more information about the test equipment needed for magnetic field immunity testing at industrial frequencies.

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

MFPO 9760 Schwarzbeck high current magnetic field generator
MFPO 9760 Schwarzbeck high current magnetic field generator

MFPO 9760 is a high current magnetic field generator produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany, which can test the IEC 61000-4-8 I.F. Magnetic Field Immunity Test System (including the national standard: GBT...

IEC 61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity test system
IEC 61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity test system

IEC 61000-4-8 and GB/T17626.8 and other different national standards, they all refer to IEC61000-4-8 requirements of the concept of magnetic field, measurement ...

FESP 5410-1 Schwarzbeck magnetic field coil
FESP 5410-1 Schwarzbeck magnetic field coil

FESP 5410-1 is a magnetic field coil produced by Schwarzbeck with an antenna cross-section of 10mm*25mm in accordance with: IEC 61000-4-8 Magnetic Field Immunity Test System for Industrial Frequencies (Package...

FESP 5210-1 Schwarzbeck magnetic field coil
FESP 5210-1 Schwarzbeck magnetic field coil

FESP 5210-1 is a magnetic field coil manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and distributed by EUTTEST. It supports a maximum input continuous current of 100A and can be used to test standard IEC ...