power amplifier

Power amplifiers are used to amplify the signal at the back end of the RF signal source and output to the back-end device, the back-end device can be like an antenna, CDN, and other sensors, the purchase of power amplifiers should give priority to the amplifier amplifier frequency, 1dB compression point gain and other technical indicators.
We provide a variety of brands of power amplifiers for customers to choose to buy use, see the details of the product information below.

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

LFPA 9733B Schwarzbeck Power Amplifier
LFPA 9733B Schwarzbeck Power Amplifier

LFPA 9733B is a low-frequency power amplifier produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. It is especially suitable for the low-frequency magnetic field immunity of ISO 11452-8....