EMI test equipment and systems

Introduction:EMI test equipment and system is used in the process of EMC electromagnetic compatibility testing of a kind of instruments and systems, EMI test can detect the EUT itself through the power line, signal line, space and other ways to the outside of the propagation of the interference signal. The EMI test equipment and system provided by our company is to test the interference emitted by the EUT itself from various aspects and angles, in order to reach the limit value requirement of EUT certification standard.

The current instrument classification contains the following subcategories:

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

TK 9422 Schwarzbeck high resistance voltage probe
TK 9422 Schwarzbeck high resistance voltage probe

TK 9422 is a voltage probe from Schwarzbeck, Germany, sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent, the probe built-in 5kΩ | | 4pF input impedance, which means that the voltage ...

TK 9421 Schwarzbeck high resistance voltage probe
TK 9421 Schwarzbeck high resistance voltage probe

The TK 9421, like the TK 9420, is a voltage probe manufactured by Schwarzbeck in Germany, so it is also suitable for testing with a voltage probe preferred in cases of high EUT currents or where a LISN cannot be used.TK...

TK 9420 Schwarzbeck 1500Ω voltage probe
TK 9420 Schwarzbeck 1500Ω voltage probe

TK 9420 is a 1500Ω voltage probe from Germany schwarzbeck, sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent and provide after-sales service.TK 9420 plus VT9420 can accomplish 9kH...

TK 9261 Schwarzbeck active high resistance voltage probe
TK 9261 Schwarzbeck active high resistance voltage probe

TK 9261 is an active high resistance voltage probe produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST Shenzhen agent, officially equipped with a 50mA power adapter for its power supply, built-in impedance ...

Principle and selection of voltage probe
Principle and selection of voltage probe

The concept of voltage probe is derived from the EMC test standard CISPR16-1-2 and the description in section 5.2 of GB/T 6113.102. According to the CISPR16 standard or related product standard requirements, all EUTs need to...

NNBL 8240 Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Networks 300A Current
NNBL 8240 Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Networks 300A Current

NNBL 8240 is a military test LISN-Linear Impedance Stabilization Network manufactured by Schwarzbeck and authorized to be sold by our company. This LISN supports military electronics up to 800A-100...

NNBL 8230 Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Network 300A Current
NNBL 8230 Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Network 300A Current

NNBL 8230 is one of the test instruments produced by Schwarzbeck and authorized to be sold by our agent, which is called LISN-Linear Impedance Stabilization Network. This LISN supports a maximum of 300A...

NNBL 8229-HV Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Network Voltage 1000V
NNBL 8229-HV Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Network Voltage 1000V

NNBL 8229-HV is a LISN-Linear Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) for EMC testing of military equipment manufactured by SCHWARZEBCK and authorized to be sold by our company as an agent, and supports testing of up to 200A of maximum current, up to ...