rod antenna

This classification includes tie rod antennas, rod antennas, monopole antennas, and the test frequency is generally 9kHz-30MHz; it is used for radiation emission and test application below 30MHz.

The current instrument classification contains the following instrumentation:

VAMP 9243 Schwarzbeck Tie Rod Antenna Stick Antenna

VAMP 9243 Schwarzbeck Tie Rod Antenna Stick Antenna

The VAMP 9243 is one of four common antenna models manufactured by Schwarzbeck in Germany, and the VAMP 9243 B is a new model for 2024.In the antenna industry at EMC we also call it a tie rod...

VPMP 9242 Schwarzbeck Passive Monopole Antenna Base

VPMP 9242 Schwarzbeck Passive Monopole Antenna Base

The VPMP 9242 is a vertical and passive monopole antenna base manufactured by Schwarzbeck and marketed under license to EUTTEST, which can be used for linearly polarized passive monopole antenna receiving and transmitting applications, with...

VPMP 9241 Schwarzbeck Monopole Antenna

VPMP 9241 Schwarzbeck Monopole Antenna

VPMP 9241 is a monopole antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany, which complies with the standards CISPR/D/391/CD, CIS/D/386/CD, CIS/D/388...