TK 9422 Schwarzbeck high resistance voltage probe

TK 9422
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Voltage probe

Recommended test standards:CISPR16-1-2

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TK 9422 is a voltage probe produced by Schwarzbeck in Germany and sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST. The probe has a built-in input impedance of 5kW||4pF, which means that the voltage probe can withstand higher EUT input power for testing. When the EUT is high current or LISN cannot be used, use TK9422 to test the conduction emission of the 9kHz-30MHz EUT working cable.

This probe can only be used by qualified personnel. Before applying a high voltage, the voltage probe must be connected to the DUT terminal and kept insulated and fixed. After the power is turned on, do not touch the main body of the probe (although there is an insulating tube). The test receiver is usually grounded through a protective ground conductor, so the ground terminal of the probe is also at ground potential. In R. F. At the place, the ground connection must be short and close to the “hot” terminal. The relevant safety standards for high-pressure work must be considered!

Differences and similarities between TK 9422 and TK 9421:

Same point:

Both high-resistance voltage probes can be used to measure the conduction interference measurement of power lines, load lines, control lines and other cables.

Both high-impedance voltage probes are designed to measure highly RF voltages of HF <100V (160dBμV) and are therefore designed to measure conducted emission interference in power electronics, such as switching power supplies, in the kHz frequency range.


The input impedance of the two voltage probes is different. Please choose the impedance of the voltage probe according to the requirements of the test standard and the operating power of the product.

TK9421 Input impedance of:1.5 kΩ || 4 pF

Input impedance of TK9422:5 kΩ || 4 pF

Learn more about the introduction and product recommendations of voltage probes: the principle and selection of voltage probes

Technical parameters:

Model number TK 9422
Product name Voltage probe or high resistance voltage probe
manufacturer Schwarzbeck Germany
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available frequency (9 kHz) 150 kHz – 30 MHz
Input impedance 5 kΩ || 4 pF
Voltage range HF:

AC 50 / 60 Hz:


Voltage accuracy 150 kHz-30 MHz, +/- 2 dB
Receiver input impedance 50 Ω, SWR ≤ 1.1
Internal coupling capacitor 1.25nF
connector 4mm banana head
Audio impedance 1.25 nF + 1.5 kΩ
Maximum power 30W
weight 400g
size 440 mm x 23 mm round

Graph of related technical parameters:

Circuit schematic of TK 9422

Circuit schematic

Sensor correction graph of TK 9422

Sensor correction graph

Learn more about the introduction and product recommendations of voltage probes:Principle and selection of voltage probe