TK 9420 Schwarzbeck 1500Ω voltage probe

TK 9420
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Voltage probe

Recommended test standards:CISPR16-1-2

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TK 9420 is a 1500Ω voltage probe from Schwarzbeck, Germany. It is sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST and provides after-sales service. TK 9420 plus VT9420 can complete the 9kHz-30MHz conduction emission test method-high impedance voltage probe test.

Scope of application:

The TK 9420 voltage probe can be used for conduction CE testing of EUT power cords, loads, control terminals and other cables. For detailed test methods, please refer to product standards (such as GB 4343.1) and basic standards (which specify test methods) for implementation.

Structure and principle:

The voltage probe TK9420 consists of a DC-blocking capacitor C and a resistor (1500-R)Ω, which makes the resistance between the power cord and the bottom line of the EUT 1500Ω, which meets the structural requirements of the high-impedance voltage probe proposed by the standards GBT 6113.102 and CISPR16-1-2.

The composition structure of TK 9420-DC blocking capacitor C and resistor R

Composition structure-DC blocking capacitor C and resistor R

Technical parameters:

Product model TK 9420
Optional accessories VT9420 voltage divider option
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Product Chinese name Voltage probe or high resistance voltage probe
Domestic agents EUTTEST
Available frequency 9kHz-30MHz
Input impedance 1.5 kΩ || 4 pF
voltage HF:

AC 50 / 60 Hz:


impedance 50Ω
Internal coupling capacitor 10nF
Contact connector 4mm banana head
Audio impedance 10 nF + 1.5 kΩ
weight 180g
size 175mm*23mm
Correction factor of TK 9420

Correction factor

Option-VT 9420:

TK9420 option VT 9420 voltage divider

Option VT 9420 voltage divider

The VT 9420 voltage divider is an option of the TK9420 voltage probe. The voltage divider can determine the impedance of the EUT of an unknown source impedance. For details, see CISPR16-2.

When do I need to use the VT9420 voltage divider?

When a single independent power supply (such as a battery, generator, or converter) with a current of more than 25A performs harassment voltage measurement, VT9420 must be used to measure the source impedance of the measured object in order to determine that the tolerance of the analog resistance is not exceeded according to CISPR16-1.

Option VT9420 is used to determine the data chart of the EUT source impedance

Option VT9420 is used to determine the data chart of the EUT source impedance

The impedance selection of the voltage probe should be selected according to the requirements of the test standard and the operating power of the product.

Learn more about the introduction and product recommendations of voltage probes:Principle and selection of voltage probe