TEMZ 5234 Schwarzbeck Crawford TEM-CELL

TEMZ 5234
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:TEM-cell Transverse Electromagnetic Wave, ribbon

Recommended test standards:ISO 11452-3

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TEMZ 5234 is a strip line product manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany, which can test frequencies up to 1200MHz. It meets the requirements of ISO 11452-3, IEEE 1309 and EN 61000-4-20. The equipment is distributed by our company for sales and after-sales service. Asymmetric 50Ω stripline (also known as Crawford-TEM-Cell or Transverse Electromagnetic Chamber) for E- and H-field probe calibration and component immunity testing.

Testing E-field and H-field Probes with the TEMZ 5234

Test E-field and H-field probes

Technical parameters:

Model number TEMA 5234
Device name ribbon

Crawford Transverse Electromagnetic Wave Cell (Crawford TEM-CELL)

manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
frequency of use DC-840MHz

DC-1200MHz can be used

Diaphragm height 100mm
aperture 80*75mm
impedance 50Ω
standing wave ratio (physics) <1.05
Maximum Input Power 200W
Maximum field strength 1000V/m
size 232*450*230mm
weight 2kg

Related Technical Charts Contact us for more information.

If you need larger height of TEM diaphragm, please purchase TEMZ 5233, but the test frequency of 5233 is not as high as that of 5234, so please choose the appropriate test equipment according to the test requirements.