TEMZ 5233 Schwarzbeck Crawford TEM-CELL

TEMZ 5233
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:TEM-cell Transverse Electromagnetic Wave, ribbon

Recommended test standards:ISO 11452-3

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The TEMZ 5233 is a Crawford Transverse Electromagnetic Wave Cell (Crawford TEM-CELL) manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany, and can test frequencies up to 420 MHz. It can be used for electric field probes, magnetic field probes and immunity testing and meets the requirements of test standards ISO 11452-3, IEEE 1309, EN 61000-4-20. The equipment is represented by our company to sell and provide after-sales service.

Test Utilization Guide:

The asymmetric 50 Ω ribbon line meets the requirements of ISO 11452-5. The ribbon cable can be used to generate TEM waves up to 420 MHz. Due to the very precise design of the TEMZ 5233, very good impedance matching and very low transmission losses are achieved. As a result, it can be used for calibration of E-field and H-field probes. A quick mounting probe jig is provided to accept the field probe under test. Its lower half is used for E-field probe calibration and the upper half is closed with a lid. The calibration of the loop antenna (Hfield probe) is performed in the upper half of the unit and the lower half is closed by the lid, the configuration of the calibration field probe is shown in the diagram below. Note that you will need to connect one port of the TEM to the generator and the other port to a 50 ohm terminal.

Configuration Diagram for TEMZ 5233 Calibration Field Probe

Configuration diagram of the calibration field probe

Of course, a combination of a suitable power attenuator and a 50 Ohm measuring device can be used instead of a terminal. The field strength distribution for TEM mode operation within the stripline is very uniform. the ratio between the electric and hydrogen fields inside the TEM is determined by the characteristic impedance of the free space (377 Ω, 51.5 dB). The stripline can also be used above 420 MHz, in which case higher modes do exist that exhibit position-dependent field strength characteristics and are usually polarized in a different direction than the TEM modes.

Technical parameters:

Model number TEMA 5233
Device name Crawford Transverse Electromagnetic Wave Cell (Crawford TEM-CELL)
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
frequency of use DC-429MHz

DC-600MHz can be used

Diaphragm height 200mm
aperture 150*160mm
impedance 50Ω
standing wave ratio (physics) <1.05
Maximum Input Power 1000W
Maximum field strength 1100V/m
size 420*850*430mm
weight 6.3kg