TEMZ 5232 Schwarzbeck Automotive Electronics 90Ω Ribbon Cable

TEMZ 5232
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:ribbon

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TEMZ 5232 is a 90Ω strip line test equipment for automotive electronic parts testing produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized to be sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent, which can be used for immunity testing of ISO11452-5 standard appendix A.2.

The open and asymmetrical ribbon cable is used with a 90 Ω terminating resistor mounted on an aluminum plate rated at 60 W, which is sufficient to provide an output field strength of up to 500 V/m. A high potential RF voltmeter and voltage divider can be used to measure the battery voltage at the BNC connector. By multiplying the voltage reading by a factor of 6.67 (adding 16.5 dB), the magnetic field inside the device can be obtained. The field strength increases in the vicinity of the terminating resistor, so a minimum distance of 30 cm should be ensured between the EUT and the terminating resistor.

If you need to purchase the 50Ω ribbon wire required by ISO11452-5, please purchase it:TEMZ 5231  The

Technical parameters:

Model number TEMZ 5232
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Device name Automotive Electronics 90Ω Ribbon Cable
Meets the requirements of the test standard ISO 11452-5
material aluminum
frequency DC-220MHz
Available frequency DC-1GHz
Nominal Impedance 90Ω
SWR 1.8 (f < 220 MHz)

< 2.2 (f < 220 MHz)

Voltage Field Strength Conversion 1 V = 6.67 V/m
Maximum Input Power 60W
Maximum field strength 500V/m
size 300*150*2000mm
Width*Length*Thickness 900*3500*200mm

Curve diagrams of parameters related to technical parameters:

TEMZ 5232 Configuration for ISO 11452-5 Stripline Testing

ISO 11452-5 Ribbon Line Test Configuration Chart

ISO 11452-5 strip line testing requires a strip line device and also an automotive electronics LISN, for details click on the link below or contact EUTTEST for more information on the device.

5μH Artificial Power Network

ISO 11452-5 Requirements for automotive electronic power supply network ANs

ISO 11452-5 Requirements for automotive electronic power supply network ANs

VSWR for TEMZ 5232