STLP 9148 Schwarzbeck Stacked Microwave Log Antenna

STLP 9148
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-4-3

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STLP 9148 is a stacked microwave log-periodic antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck (Germany) and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST (Shenzhen). The test frequency covers a wide band from 700MHz to 20GHz, and this antenna is generally recommended for microwave transmitting and receiving applications above 1GHz. The structure of this log-periodic antenna is made of laser-cut brass, and a removable protective shell is added on the outside to protect the antenna mechanism. EMC testers can use this antenna in a microwave dark room, and the test distance can be moved from 0.5m to 3m position, and you only need to inject 50W of power to get an E-field strength of 100V/m in the front of the antenna, for details, please check the following graphs of input power For details, please see the graph of input power and electric field strength below.

STLP 9149 Input power versus electric field strength graph

Plot of input power vs. electric field strength

Contact us for data on other test distances.

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Technical parameters:

Product model STLP 9148
manufacturer Schwarzbeck, Germany
Domestic agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available frequency 0.7GHz-20GHz
nominal frequency 1GHz-18GHz
Connector Impedance 50Ω N-Type
Antenna Gain typ. 8.6 dBi ± 1 dB
Maximum Input Power 50W
E-field half-wave width 58°
H-field half-wave width 60°
size 490 x 270 x 270 mm
weight 1.2kg
Antenna tubes 22mm, length 185mm

Graph of related technical parameters:

Antenna Gain Curve for STLP 9149

Antenna Gain Graph