STLP 9129 special Schwarzbeck Stacked Log Periodic Antenna

STLP 9129 special
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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STLP 9129 special is a stacked log-periodic antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized to be sold by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. The 9129 special is a smaller version of the STLP 9129, with a frequency range of 80MHz-10GHz, and a high anisotropic gain of up to 8.1dB, which allows the antenna to be used for radiated immunity testing. The antenna is configured with the last few quickly removable antenna elements for testing in the lower frequency range of 80MHz-180MHz. The height of the antenna after removal of the elements becomes smaller, allowing the use of the antenna for testing in small dark rooms where space is not available. Of course, the disassembled antenna can no longer be used for testing in the 80MHz-180MHz frequency band.

Technical parameters:

Product model STLP 9129 special
manufacturer schwarzbeck, Germany
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
Test Frequency 80MHz-10GHz
polarize biometrics
orientations directional
isotropic gain 8.1dB ±2.8dB
impedance 50Ω
Maximum input continuous power See input power graph below
size 1.75 x 1.49 x 1.32 m
weight 10.2kg
connector N
option Options to support rapid disassembly

7/16 Connector

Adapter: AA 9209

Graph of related technical parameters:

Isotropic gain graph of STLP 9129 special

Isotropic Gain Curve

Maximum input power of the STLP 9129 special

Maximum Input Power

Input power vs. electric field strength for STLP 9129 special

Plot of input power vs. electric field strength

Contact us for data on other test distances.

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