STLP 9128 F Schwarzbeck Stacked Log Periodic Antenna

STLP 9128 F
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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STLP 9128 F by the German Schwarzbeck in 2024 the latest production and authorized by the Shenzhen EUTTEST agent sales of stacked logarithmic cycle antenna, the antenna supports optional N or 7/16 two different connectors to complete the radiated emission RE and radiated immunity testing. The antenna calculates the test distance from the top of the antenna, and the 80% amplitude modulation requires 1.8 times the voltage input, which is 3.24 times higher power compared to continuous wave. In addition, the antenna has excellent cross-polarization rejection, and a quick-disassembly option allows EMC test engineers to remove some of the antenna's oscillator elements in seconds without the need for any other tools.

Technical parameters:

Product model STLP 9128 F
factory owners Schwarzbeck, Germany
Authorized Agents EUTTEST
Available frequency Maximum frequency range: 55MHz-3000MHz

Typical: 70MHz-1500MHz

polarize biometrics
antennae direction directional
material aluminum
Maximum power (7/16) 2kW continuous

3kW Intermittent

Maximum power (N) 1kW continuous

1.5kW Intermittent

connector N


impedance Rated 50Ω
size 1950*2260*2540mm
weight 11kg
option Options to support rapid disassembly

7/16 Connector

Graph of related technical parameters:

This antenna is designed for testing RS radiation sensitivity. For use, please refer to the following gain graph and electric field strength relationship graph.

Gain Curve for STLP 9128 F

Gain Curve Diagram

Plot of input power vs. electric field strength for STLP 9128 F

Plot of input power versus electric field strength

If you need to test other distances, please contact us for more data.

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