STLP 9128 E Schwarzbeck Stacked Log Periodic Antenna

STLP 9128 E
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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STLP 9128 E is a high power stacked log-periodic antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized for sale by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, China. The antenna adopts the design of stacking two log-periodic antennas, which gives it a flat gain curve and low VSWR characteristics. This antenna is specially designed for 80MHz-1.5GHz radiated immunity test, it can input 1kW RF power continuously, you can also configure 7/16 connector option to get higher input power, detailed power data check the technical data table below.

Technical parameters:

Product model STLP 9128 E
Manufacturer and place of origin Germany schwarzbeck
Domestic agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
Test frequency range: 80MHz-1.5GHz
Available frequency range: 65MHz-3GHz
Polarization: linear
Antenna Direction: directional
Material: aluminum
Maximum power (7/16): 2 kW (constant)
3 kW (intermittent)
Maximum power (N): 1 kW (constant)
1.5 kW (intermittent)
Joints: 7/16 F
Impedance: Rated at 50 ohms
Length: 1660 mm
Width: 2160 mm
high degree 140 mm
Weight: 10 kg
Installation: Tubes 22 mm in diameter
option Options to support rapid disassembly

7/16 Connector

Graph of related technical parameters:

Antenna Gain Graph for STLP 9128 E

Antenna Gain Graph

Plot of input power vs. electric field strength for STLP 9128 E

Plot of input power vs. electric field strength

If you need to test other distances, please contact us for more data.

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