STLP 9128 D special Schwarzbeck Stacked Log Periodic Antenna

STLP 9128 D Special
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:log-periodic antenna

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STLP 9128 D special is a high power stacked log-periodic antenna produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized to be sold by Shenzhen EUTTEST agent, the stacked LPDA log-periodic antenna consists of two ordinary log-periodic antennas, this antenna test frequency range of 70MHz-4GHz.

Differences between the Special version and the standard STLP 9128D:

The special version of the STLP 9128 D has an optimized design structure that greatly reduces the lateral spreading width of the antenna to 1480mm, which is much smaller than the 1850mm of the STLP 9128D, which allows you to use the special version for testing when the standard requires the antenna to have an elevation above the ground when switching polarization.

The Special version is identical to the standard STLP 9128D:

Like the STLP 9128D antenna, the Special version of the STLP 9128D is configured with a variety of options that allow the antenna to support input powers up to 3kW with the optional 7/16 connector option. The antenna also has an optional quick connect option that allows the user to remove the rear element in seconds without the need for any other tools, and the disassembled element can be divided into five sections for easy storage and transportation.

Technical parameters:

Product model STLP 9128 D Special
Manufacturer and place of origin Schwarzbeck, Germany
Domestic agents Shenzhen EUTTEST
Available frequency range: (Min. 70MHz) 80MHz-3000MHz (Max. 4000MHz)
gain 9 ± 3 dBi
ratio 2-32dB/m
Polarization: linear
Antenna Direction: directional
Material: aluminum
Maximum power (7/16): 2 kW (constant)
3 kW (intermittent)
Maximum power (N): 1 kW (constant)
1.5 kW (intermittent)
Joints: 7/16 F
Impedance: Rated at 50 ohms
Length: 1480 mm
Width: 1480 mm
high degree 1340 mm
Weight: 8.1 kg
Installation: Tubes 22 mm in diameter
option Options to support rapid disassembly

7/16 Connector

Graph of related technical parameters:

This antenna is dedicated to radiated immunity testing, and we will show a graph of the gain-related curve data below.

Antenna Gain Curve for STLP 9128 D SPECIAL

Antenna Gain Graph

STLP 9128 D SPECIAL Input Power vs. Output E-field Strength - 3 meter test distance

Relationship between input power and output electric field strength - 3 meter test distance

Contact us for data on other test distances.

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