SF21 Langer Instructional Demonstration of Electric Field Immunity for Testing PCBs

SF21 langer
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:Immunity commissioning equipment

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The SF21 is a teaching and demonstration E-field immunity test board designed and developed by Langer in Germany.E1 set Anti-jamming development systemThe SF21 and SF11 are affected by the magnetic field unlike the P21 handheld electric field probe which is injected into this PCB to observe the phenomenon after the PCB is interfered by the electric field.

Introduction to use:

The P21 probe in the figure below interferes with the current flowing into the module, but again capacitively coupled out as an electric field (flux). But the decoupling is done from the grounded area as well as from all connected components and lines. The current decoupling of the signal lines on the SF21 board in the figure below produces a voltage difference across the resistor "R" (this resistor represents the output resistance of the IC output). This voltage difference can cause a functional error.

Schematic diagram of SF21 being disturbed by the electric field of the P21 probe

Schematic diagram of SF21 being disturbed by the electric field of the P21 probe

Technical parameters:

Model number SF21
producers Langer
agent Euttest
Supply Voltage 12V
amps 20mA
size 140mm*100mm*23mm