SF11 Langer Teaching Demonstration of Magnetic Field Immunity Testing PCBs

SF11 langer
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:Immunity commissioning equipment

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The SF11 is a PCB-demo board designed and developed by Langer GmbH, Germany. The SF11 can be used with the Langer emvE1 set Anti-jamming development systemThe pulse group generator, electrostatic generator, and P11 handheld magnetic field probe are injected into this PCB to observe the phenomenon after the PCB is interfered by the magnetic field.

Introduction to use:

The P11 probe in the diagram below generates a small scale magnetic field at its tip. This is used to simulate the magnetic field generated in a very small area during immunity testing according to the standard. To do this, the switched-on pulse generator is moved by hand over the SF11. If a sensitive signal conductor loop exists below the pulse tip, the SF11 will generate the same functional fault as in the immunity test according to the standard.

Using the P11 handheld probe to inject interference into an SF11 demo board

Using the P11 handheld probe to inject interference into an SF11 demo board

Technical parameters:

Model number SF11
producers Langer
agent Euttest
Supply Voltage 12V
amps 20mA
size 140mm*100mm*23mm