RF1 set Near-field probe set Langer-EMV 30MHz-3GHz

RF1 set
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:near-field probe

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The RF1 set is a passive near-field probe set manufactured by langer emv in Germany and distributed by EUTTEST.

The RF1 near-field probe set contains four passive near-field probes for measuring electric and magnetic fields on electronic modules in the R&D phase in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 3 GHz.


Using the probes of the RF1 set probe group, it is possible to measure close to the electronic module, e.g. close to individual IC pins, wires, components and their connections, in order to locate the source of the interfering signal. By operating the near-field probes accordingly, the direction and distribution of electromagnetic fields on the electronics module can be measured. These near-field probes are compact and lightweight, and are equipped with skin current attenuation and electrical shielding. The near-field probe can be connected to the 50Ω input of a spectrum analyzer or oscilloscope. There is no 50Ω termination resistor installed inside the probe.

Packing list.

  • 1x RF-K 7-4, magnetic field probe (30MHz-3GHz) Ø ≈ 6*10 mm, resolution 5mm
  • 1x RF-E 10, electric field probe (30MHz-3GHz) Ø ≈ 0.5*2 mm, resolution 0.2mm
  • 1x RF-R 3-2, magnetic field probe (30MHz-3GHz) Ø ≈ 3 mm, resolution 1mm
  • 1x RF-U 2.5-2, magnetic field probe (30MHz-3GHz) Ø ≈ 4 mm, resolution 0.5mm
  • 1x SMB-BNC 1 m, SMB-BNC measuring cable
  • 1x Case 4

Probe Pictures

RF-K 7-4

RF-K 7-4

RF-K 7-4

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-1GHz)

The RF-K Model 7-4 Near Field Probe is capable of measuring annular magnetic field lines that enter the probe in a reverse direction. These magnetic field lines are typically found on wires, bar structures, cable splices, and the edges of flat cells. The probe operates in a manner similar to a current coupled clamp.


RF-U 2.5-2

RF-U 2.5-2

RF-U 2.5-2

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-3GHz)

The RF-U Model 2.5-2 Magnetic Field Probe is a near-field probe for detecting RF currents in wires, component pins, SMD assemblies and integrated circuit pins. This probe has an approximately 0.5mm wide magnetic field sensitive notch at the tip, which is placed on the test object during testing.


RF-R 3-2

RF-R 3-2

RF-R 3-2

Magnetic field probes (30MHz-3GHz)

The RF-R Model 3-2 near-field probe with high resolution is used for direct detection of RF magnetic fields on electronic assemblies, such as those in pin regions, integrated circuit housings, wires, bypass capacitors and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) components.


RF-E 10

RF-E 10

RF-E 10

Electric field probes (30MHz-3GHz)

The electrodes of the RF-E 10 E-field probe are located on the lower side of the probe and are approximately 0.2 mm wide, allowing the smallest E-field sources to be located, such as 0.1 mm wide wires with a single pin of a high pin-count integrated circuit.


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