RF-R 3-2 Magnetic Field Probe Langer-EMV 30MHz-3GHz

RF-R 3-2 Magnetic Field Probe
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:near-field probe

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The RF-R Model 3-2 near-field probe, with its high resolution, is used for direct detection of RF magnetic fields on electronic assemblies, such as those in pin regions, integrated circuit housings, wires, bypass capacitors and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) components.

The magnetic field probe RF-R 3-2 (30MHz-3GHz) is part of the langer emv RF1 set of magnetic field near-field probes, which cannot be purchased separately, please contact EUTTEST for advice.

RF-R 3-2 Operating Principle Diagram

RF-R 3-2 Operating Principle Diagram

The RF-R 3-2 is a passive near-field probe. Its basic construction is the same as the RF-R 50-1 and RF-R 500-1 probes. However, the resolution of the RF-R 3-2 is much higher. The magnetic field probe is designed to be used very close to components and where high magnetic field strengths occur. It is not suitable for long distance measurements, which can be done with the RF-R 400-1 and RF-R 50-1 probes. The near-field probe is small and convenient. It has a current attenuation sheath and its upper side is electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. The magnetic field probe does not have a 50 Ω internal termination resistor.

Technical parameters:

Probe Model RF-R 3-2
manufacturer Germany langer emv Distributed by EUTTEST
be attributed RF1 SET
Frequency range 30MHz-3GHz
resolution (of a photo) 1 mm
Probe Size Ø ≈ 3 mm
output interface SMA mother
Frequency characteristics [dBµV] / [dBµA/m]
Frequency characteristics of RF-R 3-2 [dBµV] / [dBµA/m]

Frequency characteristics of RF-R 3-2 [dBµV] / [dBµA/m]

Magnetic field correction curve [dBµA/m] / [dBµV]
Magnetic Field Correction Curve for RF-R 3-2 [dBµA/m] / [dBµV]

Magnetic Field Correction Curve for RF-R 3-2 [dBµA/m] / [dBµV]

Current Correction Curve [dBµA] / [dBµV]
Current Correction Curve for RF-R 3-2 [dBµA] / [dBµV]

Current Correction Curve for RF-R 3-2 [dBµA] / [dBµV]