RF-K 7-4 Magnetic Field Probe Langer EMV 30MHz-3GHz

RF-K 7-4 Magnetic Field Probe
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:near-field probe

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The Model RF-K 7-4 Near Field Probe is capable of measuring annular magnetic field lines that enter the probe in a reverse direction. These magnetic field lines are typically found on wires, rod structures, cable splices, edges of flat cells, etc. The probe operates in a manner similar to a current coupler as shown below. The probe operates in a manner similar to a current coupled clamp as shown below.

The magnetic field probe RF-K 7-4 (30MHz-3GHz) is part of the langer emv RF1 set of magnetic field near-field probes, which cannot be purchased separately, please contact EUTTEST for advice.

RF-K 7-4 Operating Principle Diagram

RF-K 7-4 Operating Principle Diagram

The RF-K 7-4 is a passive near-field probe. Unlike the RF-U 5 near-field probe, the RF-K 7-4 magnetic field probe is shielded from magnetic field lines entering the probe from the side. The near-field probe detects non-uniform magnetic fields entering through the bottom of the probe. Superimposed uniform fields are not detected by special probes. The RF-K 7-4 Magnetic Field Probe is small and lightweight and functions like a coupling clip. It has a current attenuation sheath and is therefore electrically shielded. It can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with 50 Ω input. The magnetic field probe does not have a 50 Ω internal termination resistor.

Technical parameters:

Probe Model RF-K 7-4
manufacturer Germany langer emv Distributed by EUTTEST
be attributed RF1 SET
Frequency range 30MHz-1GHz
resolution (of a photo) 5mm
Probe Size 6*10mm
output interface SMA mother
Frequency characteristics [dBµV] / [dBµA/m]
Frequency characteristics of RF-K 7-4 [dBµV] / [dBµA/m]

Frequency characteristics of RF-K 7-4 [dBµV] / [dBµA/m]

Magnetic field correction curve [dBµA/m] / [dBµV]
Magnetic Field Correction Curve for RF-K 7-4 [dBµA/m] / [dBµV]

Magnetic Field Correction Curve for RF-K 7-4 [dBµA/m] / [dBµV]

Current Correction Curve [dBµA] / [dBµV]
Current Correction Curve for RF-K 7-4 [dBµA] / [dBµV]

Current Correction Curve for RF-K 7-4 [dBµA] / [dBµV]