PA 203 Langer EMV Preamplifier 100kHz-3GHz

PA 203 Langer EMV
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:preamplifier

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The PA 203 preamplifier is a low noise amplifier manufactured by Langer EMV, Germany and distributed by EUTTEST. The PA 203 is available with two types of input ports, please provide EUTTEST with your requirements at the time of purchase.

  • PA 203 SMA set
  • PA 203 BNC set

The role of PA 203:

PA 203 can amplify 100kHz-3GHz RF signals at the input port to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Combined with our agent's near-field probe to test the near-field emission on the circuit board PCB can help engineers to find the location of the radiation source in the research and development stage, PA 203 is an active amplifier, which needs external power supply, and can be connected to the 50Ω input of EMI test receiver, spectrum analyzer, and oscilloscope. The input of the preamplifier is connected to the near-field probe via the standard RF cable.

Technical parameters:

Amplifier Model PA 203
producers Langer EMV
Frequency range 100kHz - 3GHz
zoom in 20dB
weight 400g
impedance 50Ω
Optional Connectors PA 203 BNC: BNC connector

PA 203 SMA: SMA interface

packing list 1 PA 203 (BNC/SMA selectable), Preamplifier (100KHz-3GHz)


1 A5 box case

Request a quote and availability for PA 203 SMA set, PA 203 BNC set Preamplifier Combination Products Contact EUTTEST for more information.