NNBM DO160-1500 Schwarzbeck Aerospace Equipment Artificial Power Networks

NNBM DO160-1500
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:ISN-ANN-LISN

Recommended test standards:DO-160

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NNBM DO160-1500 is a new artificial power network for onboard avionics launched by Schwarzbeck in 2024. It supports up to 200A continuous current and meets the requirements of the latest standards DO-160 and DEF-STAN-59 test criteria.

DO160-1500 ratio NNBM 8126-A 890 The LISN products have higher available current and come with a 10μF capacitor, so there is no need to purchase additional options to start testing. Please select the appropriate LISN product based on your test current requirements or contact us.

Technical parameters:

Model number NNBM DO160-1500
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Frequency range 9kHz - 400 MHz
Maximum continuous current 200A
Maximum short-time current 280A
Maximum DC Voltage 1500V
Maximum 400Hz voltage 650V
Maximum 890Hz voltage 650V
impedance 5 μH || 50 Ω(±20 %)
agent Euttest.com
DC Impedance, EUT to Main Port <5 mΩ
50Hz impedance 4.2 mΩ
400Hz impedance 13 mΩ
EUT Connectors 8mm
size 220*220*320mm
weight 3.8kg

Technical parameter graphs:

Circuit Design Schematic

Circuit Design Schematic

You can additionally purchase schwarzbeck's KA 8125 calibration adapter option for calibrating the impedance curves of the NNBM DO160-1500.

Impedance test curves with the addition of the calibration adapter option

Impedance test curves with the addition of the calibration adapter option