NNBL 8226 Schwarzbeck Linear Impedance Stabilization Network Current 70A

Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:ISN-ANN-LISN

Recommended test standards:MIL-STD-461

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NNBL 8226 is one of the test instruments produced by SCHWARZEBCK and authorized to be sold by our agent, its Chinese name is Linear Impedance Stabilization Network, generally referred to as the industry abbreviation for LISN. The LISN supports a maximum of 70A of the DUT working current, which is much higher than theNNBL 8225 Models have higher currents, so please select the appropriate model for your testing needs.

The LISN is designed with 50µH+5Ω impedance and complies with the latest version of AFSL and NTSC EMC test standards, which are listed in the technical data table below.

Circuit Impedance Schematic for NNBL 8226

Circuit Impedance Schematic

Technical Parameter Sheet:

Model number NNBL 8226
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Instrument Name Linear impedance stabilized network


Available test standards MIL-STD-461E


Test frequency range 9kHz-100MHz
Maximum continuous operating current 70A
Maximum working voltage DC:250V

AC 50/60Hz: 250V

AC 400Hz: 140V

impedance (50µH+5Ω) || 50Ω ±20%
weight 4.5kg
size 0.22*0.22*0.26m

For more information about NNBL8226, please contact us for more information.