IEC 61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity test system

IEC 61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity test system
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Power frequency magnetic field immunity

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What are the standards for the immunity of the power frequency magnetic field?:

The following lists the test standard numbers adopted by several different countries:

  • IEC61000-4-8: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 4-8: Test and measurement technology. Power frequency magnetic field immunity test (IEC 61000-4-8-2009). Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques – Power frequency magnetic field immunity test
  • EN 61000–4–8 ; Elec­tro­mag­netic com­pat­i­bil­ity (EMC) — Part 4 – 8: Test­ing and mea­sure­ment tech­niques — Power fre­quency mag­netic field immu­nity test (IEC 61000 – 4-8:2009)
  • GB/T 17626.8: Electromagnetic compatibility test and measurement technology, power frequency magnetic field immunity test

Standard analysis:

Although the power frequency magnetic field standard numbers of each country are different, they all refer to the basic test methods of IEC61000-4-8. So we only need to follow the IEC standards to learn the standards of all countries.

Basic concepts:

IEC61000-4-8 specifies a power-frequency magnetic field test, which can be used to evaluate the immunity requirements of power-frequency magnetic field harassment of equipment working in residential areas, commercial areas, industrial and mining enterprises, power plants, medium-voltage and high-voltage substations. The above test standards propose the performance of equipment working in these environments.The two test methods of power frequency magnetic field (short-term interference and continuous interference) shown in the next section are described.

Power frequency magnetic field immunity test level classification-Continuous interference

Power frequency magnetic field immunity test level classification-Continuous interference

Power frequency magnetic field immunity test level-short-term interference

Power frequency magnetic field immunity test level-short-term interference

Power frequency magnetic field test configuration diagram:

Configuration diagram of power frequency magnetic field test experiment

Configuration diagram of power frequency magnetic field test experiment

As shown in the figure above, the product under test should be tested in all three directions. The specific test level and performance determination basis are selected according to Appendix C of the standard.

IEC61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity test system recommendation

Our company sells the following German Schwarzbeck test instruments as our agent for the immunity test of the power frequency magnetic field:

MFPO 9760 , Power frequency magnetic field immunity IEC61000-4-8 test system signal generator

FESP 5210-1 , Germany schwarzbeck 1m*1m power frequency magnetic field ring antenna 90 A/m

FESP 5410-1 , Germany schwarzbeck 1m*1m power frequency magnetic field ring antenna 1000 A/m

The above three devices can form two different test configurations, as shown in the following table:

Test configuration Test level
MFPO 9760 + FESP 5210-1 Maximum continuous current 100A

Maximum current (10 minutes) 150A

Maximum continuous field strength: 90 A/m

Maximum short-term field strength (1 minute): 252 A/m

Meet the following criteria:

IEC 61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity

MFPO 9760 + FESP 5410-1 Maximum continuous current 400A

Maximum current (10 minutes) 600A

Maximum current (5 seconds) 1200A

Maximum continuous field strength 1000 A/m

Maximum short-term field strength: 360 A/m

This configuration can be selected to meet the highest field strength requirements of the following standards:

IEC 61000-4-8 power frequency magnetic field immunity

For the configuration and quotation of IEC 61000-4-8 above, please contact EUTTEST for more information. The above configuration is only the main configuration, and other test accessories matched by our company are required to start the test normally.