IGUF 2910 Schwarzbeck High Power Pulse Generator

IGUF 2910
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Pulse Signal Generator

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IGUF 2910 is a high power pulse generator produced by Schwarzbeck, Germany and represented by EUTTEST Shenzhen for sales quotation and after sales service. This signal source and IGUU 2916IGUU 2918 \ IGLK 2914 \ IGU 2912 is widely used worldwide for pulse signal generation and calibration purposes.

This antenna can be used with a VHF or UHF antenna for spatial attenuation testing of ERP effective radiated power, or with a dipole antenna.

Configuration of the IGUF 2910 for spatial attenuation testing of ERP effective radiated power with VHF or UHF antennas

Configuration diagram for spatial attenuation testing of ERP effective radiated power with VHF or UHF antennas

Equipment Features:

  • Compact and battery operated generator
  • Coaxial shielded DC power cord to power the unit
  • Can be used with all impedance matched antennas via 50Ω connector outputs
  • Battery-driven without cable interference
  • Easy receiver tuning due to broadband spectrum design
  • High pulse repetition frequency allows for human-recognizable sounds
  • Very high pulse power: 1.8 kW at 50 ohms
  • Pulse flat spectrum: 300 MHz/1 dB, 1 GHz/6 dB


Technical parameters:

Model number IGUF 2910

IGUF 2910 S , old model

manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Voltage value displayed on the CISPR 2/4 receiver QPK 80 dBμV±1dB
Voltage value displayed on the CISPR 1 receiver QP 62 dBμV
Voltage value displayed on the MIL True peak receiver 62 dBμV /MHz
No-load pulse voltage 600V
Pulse voltage on 50Ω load 300V
Product of pulse voltage and duration 0,3 μv/sec
pulse power 1.8kW
pulse period 0.5ns
Pulse Repetition Frequency 250Hz
Pulse frequency range 1MHz-300MHz
Supply Battery 12V

Provision of chargers