ICI I900 L-EFT Langer Injection Pulse to Chip Probe

Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:IC-EMC Test Equipment

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ICI I900 L-EFT is a pulse signal injection probe manufactured by Langer EMV, generally used for bias injection or coupling to the IC chip under test. The probe tip is spring-loaded, which makes it easy for test engineers to perform side-channel analysis of the IC under test or the immunity of various areas on the IC surface.

ICI I900 L-EFT Yes ICI I900 L-EFT set One of the components of the test system, for a complete pulse injection test, please check the set related parameters and contact us for quotation information.

Technical parameters:

Probe Model ICI I900 L-EFT
manufacturer Langer
agent Euttest
probe tip Spring Design
Maximum current 4A @ 1 ohm
Pulse Rise Time <2ns
Pulse Repetition Frequency 0.1Hz-20kHz
polarities positive and negative
measured output 50Ω
Pulse trigger delay (bypass mode) 70ns-420ns
Maximum jitter ±1ns
power supply Provided by BPS 202
weight 70g
size 26mm*43mm*53mm
ICI I900 L-EFT Output Current Waveform at 1Ω Load-Low Impedance

ICI I900 L-EFT Output Current Waveform at 1Ω Load-Low Impedance

ICI I900 L-EFT Output Current Waveform at 1Ω Load-High Impedance

ICI I900 L-EFT Output Current Waveform at 1Ω Load-High Impedance