ICI E450 L-EFT set Pulsed Electric Field Injection Test System for Integrated Circuits

ICI E450 L-EFT set
Manufacturer brand:Langer
Equipment name:IC-EMC Test Equipment

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ICI E450 L-EFT set is a set of pulsed electric field injection test system developed by German langer company, which is represented by Shenzhen EUTTEST for sales and after-sales service. The system contains a model ICI E450 L-EFT The system is equipped with a BPS 202 pulse signal generator. This system allows the injection of interfering electric fields into safety-critical circuit areas of the chip. The high-resolution tip of the probe allows engineers to test very small areas of the chip, in addition to turning down the pulsed signals to interfere with the chip signal ports in order to assess the maximum tolerable electric field strength of the chip's signal paths under test.

Accessories included in the test system:

  • ICI E450 L-EFT , Electric Field Injection Probe
  • BPS 202, Pulse Signal Source
  • BPS 202 client, pulsed electric field test software
  • NT Ex EU, Power Adapter
  • ICI 01 L-EFT Acc, Cable and other Test Accessories
  • ICI case, packing case
  • ICI m, instruction manual
ICI E450 L-EFT set Electric Field Injection Test System Configuration Chart

ICI E450 L-EFT set Electric Field Injection Test System Configuration Chart

ICI E450 L-EFT set Electric Field Injection Chip Under Test Physical Drawing

ICI E450 L-EFT set Electric Field Injection Chip Under Test Physical Drawing