HXYZ 9170 Schwarzbeck Tri-Ring Antenna 2m Diameter

HXYZ 9170
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:CISPR15 Tri-Ring Antenna

Recommended test standards:CISPR15, EN55015, GB17743

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The HXYZ 9170 is a 2m diameter three-ring antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck and distributed by EUTTEST. It meets the requirements of CISPR16 and is typically used to test the magnetic emission current of lamps, LEDs and other similar devices.

If you need a 3m diameter 3-ring antenna, please purchase it: HXYZ 9170 3m The

Meets criteria:

The HXYZ 9170 also meets the requirements of three standards: EN 55015, CISPR 15 and GB 17743;

According to EN 55015 / 4.4, the magnetic field strength of fluorescent luminaires must be measured if similar products such as lamps operate at frequencies above 100 Hz. The measurement is done using a triple loop antenna as shown in the figure. The "under cell test" is located in the center of the tri-loop antenna under operating conditions. In order to measure the magnetic field strength without rotation, there are loops in the X, Y and Z directions. A current transformer converts the loop current to the appropriate voltage. A ferrite choke reduces the braid current on the coaxial cable.

The voltage signal obtained from the current sensor of the tri-loop antenna will be transmitted to a device such as an ESR receiver for display and calculation.

Technical parameters:

Model number HXYZ 9170
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Shenzhen EUTTEST
ring diameter 2m
Ring material: PVC
high degree 2.55m
height 2.1m
Current Sensor 9kHz-100MHz
Calibration accessories HFCD 9171

Attenuation: <0.5dB 9kHz-30MHz

Leakage >45dB 9kHz-30MHz

Optional accessory models are available:

The following options are available as an optional extra, please contact us for a complete 3-ring antenna test program and quote information.

HXYZ 9170 Sockel

Mounting bracket for a three-ring antenna.

HXYZ 9170 Sockel Tri-Ring Antenna Bracket

Sockel Tri-Ring Antenna Mount

HXYZ 9170 Umschaltbox

This is a 3-in-1 coaxial switch for manual/remote operation, including cable kit for large circuits (BNC coaxial cable with three current blockers)

HXYZ 9170 Umschaltbox 3-in-1 Coaxial Switch

Umschaltbox 3-in-1 Coaxial Switch

HXYZ 9170 RS USER Adapter

This is a communication connector for connecting a coaxial switch to a receiver - pin 25pin

HXYZ 9170 RS USER Adapter Connector-Pin 25pin

RS USER Adapter Connector-Pin 25pin

HXYZ 9170 RS AUX Adapter

This is a communication connector for connecting a coaxial switch to a receiver - pin 9pin

HXYZ 9170 RS AUX Adapter Connector-Pin 9pin

RS AUX Adapter Connector-Pin 9pin

HFCD 9171

This is a baroclinic/dipole antenna used for periodic calibration of triple loop antennas.

This antenna requires the AM9144 antenna tripod support.

HFCD 9171 Baron/Dipole Antenna

HFCD 9171 Baron/Dipole Antenna

CDA 9271

Adapter for connecting AM9144 tripod to HFCD 9171 antenna.

CDA 9271 Adapter

CDA 9271 Adapter