HFRAE 5163 Schwarzbeck Magnetic Field Receiver Ring Antenna

HFRAE 5163
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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The HFRAE 5163 is a loop antenna for magnetic field reception manufactured at the Schwarzbeck factory in Germany and authorized for sale by EUTTEST. It is designed for medium to high level magnetic field strength reception tests in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 400 MHz and can be connected to the 50 Ω input port of an EMI receiver for magnetic field strength testing.

Test application:

The loop of this antenna has been shielded from electric field reception, which ensures that only magnetic field components in space can be tested. The passive design of the antenna ensures that very high field strengths can be measured without the influence of probe compression or intermodulation. When exposed to the highest limits of the radiated immunity test (e.g. in VG 95373-13 and VG 95373-23), the antenna achieves a maximum output voltage of 1 V or 120 dBμV.

The HFRAE 5163 is also well suited for measuring magnetic field limit line requirements according to IEEE C.95.1-1999 and IEEE C.95.1-2005, ICNIRP, FCC 96-236, TKZulV, BImSch, BEMFV, VDE 0848 and many other standards. In the frequency range from 1 MHz to 400 MHz, the antenna factor is almost constant at about 25 dB/Ωm. From 9 kHz to about 100 kHz, the antenna factor drops by 20 dB/frequency decade.

Technical parameters:

Model number HFRAE 5163
Antenna name Passive magnetic field loop antenna - receive
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Available frequency 9kHz-400MHz
impedance 50Ω
Magnetic field antenna coefficient Typical 25 dB/Ωm
Electric field antenna coefficient Typical 76.5 dB/m
coil (in electric motor or transformer) 1
ring diameter 50mm
terminal (electrical engineering) BNC
support screw 3/8″

Graph of related technical parameters:

HFRAE 5163 Antenna Measurement Coefficients for Electric and Magnetic Fields for EMI Receiver Compensation

Coefficients for antenna measurements of electric and magnetic fields for EMI receiver compensation

We provide the factory data form in the table above for your quick copying use.