HFRAE 5162 Schwarzbeck Receiver Loop Antenna for VLF-HF Band

HFRAE 5162
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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The HFRAE 5162 is a receiver loop antenna for the VLF-HF band manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany, and is authorized to be distributed and serviced by EUTTEST Shenzhen. The antenna is designed to generate medium to high level magnetic field strengths in the 50kHz-30MHz frequency range due to its passive structure design with no electronics or power requirements.

This antenna can be used for FAR-FIELD testing, if the EMI receiver's measurement units are set to dBμV/m, you should use the KE and KH coefficients in the table below to add to the receiver's internal compensation test data.

HFRAE 5162 KE and KH Coefficients for Receiver Compensation Test Data

KE and KH coefficients for receiver compensation test data

Technical parameters:

Model number HFRAE 5162
Antenna name Passive magnetic field loop antenna - receive
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Available frequency 50kHz-30MHz
impedance 50Ω
Magnetic field antenna coefficient Typical 25 dB/Ωm
Electric field antenna coefficient Typical 72 dB/m
coil (in electric motor or transformer) 1
ring diameter 250mm
terminal (electrical engineering) BNC
support screw 3/8″