HFRAE 5160 Schwarzbeck Receiver Loop Antenna for VHF-UHF bands

HFRAE 5160
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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The HFRAE 5160 is a receiving loop antenna for the VHF-UHF band manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized for sales quotation by EUTTEST. The loop antenna has a ring diameter of only 50 mm and can be used for magnetic field testing from 1 - 300 MHz. This is a shielded RX loop antenna that provides an almost constant antenna factor (fluctuations +/- 0.5 dB) over the frequency range 3 MHz - 120 MHz. The loop antenna has been designed to shield the electric field so that only the magnetic field strength around the DUT is measured. When using this antenna to test magnetic field strength the antenna coefficient compensation shown below should be used to obtain accurate field strength readings.

HFRAE 5160 Compensated Antenna Coefficients for Magnetic Field Strength Reception Testing

Compensated Antenna Coefficients for Magnetic Field Strength Reception Tests

Technical parameters:

Model number HFRAE 5160
Antenna name Passive magnetic field loop antenna - receive
producers Schwarzbeck
Available frequency 1MHz-300MHz
impedance 50Ω
Magnetic field antenna coefficient Typical 22.7±2.5dB/Ωm
coil (in electric motor or transformer) 1
ring diameter 50mm
size 104*60*62mm
terminal (electrical engineering) BNC
support screw 3/8″
weight 170g
Recommended optional antenna mounts AM 9144