HFRA SF02G SCHWARZBECK Tunable Resonant Magnetic Field Ring Antenna

Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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HFRA SF02G is a tunable resonant magnetic field loop antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck (Germany) and distributed by EUTTEST (Shenzhen, China). This antenna is designed to generate very high field strengths in the frequency range of 10kHz-30MHz, and the antenna needs to be coupled with the HFRAE 5163 for controlling the strength of the magnetic field generated by this antenna.

Usage Profile:

Schwarzbeck has configured the SF02G antenna with a test software, HFRA SF02G Frequency control, which allows RF testers to send a test frequency value to the antenna.

Test software HFRA SF02G Frequency control Setting the test frequency

Test software HFRA SF02G Frequency control Setting the test frequency

To measure and control the field strength, the monitoring antenna HFRAE 5163 is mounted in the center of the SF02G antenna. This passively shielded magnetic field probe should be connected to an EMI test receiver. In order to calculate the magnetic field strength at the center of the transmitting antenna (dBμA/m), the magnetic antenna factor of the HFRAE 5163 must be added to the measured voltage level in dBμV.

Antenna Center Mount Monitoring Antenna for HFRA SF02G HFRAE 5163

Antenna Center Mount Monitoring Antenna for SF02G HFRAE 5163

Meets criteria:

  • SF02G
  • VG95373-13:2008-11
  • VG95373-23:2008-11 : Testing of radiation sensitivity of electronic equipment.
  • ISO 14708-3 (27.104) : Testing of magnetic fields in implantable neurostimulators.

Technical parameters:

Model number HFRA SF02G
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Ring antenna name Passive magnetic field loop antenna - launch
Frequency range 10kHz-30MHz
Input impedance 50Ω
VSWR <100kHz <10
ring diameter 500mm
size 525*800*130mm
connector N
built-in capacitor manual/automatic adjustable.

Contact EUTTEST for advice

weight 8.8kg

Graph of related technical parameters:

HFRA SF02G Maximum Magnetic Field Strength at the Center of the Loop Antenna

Maximum magnetic field strength at the center of the loop antenna