HFRA 5164 Schwarzbeck Passive Magnetic Field Ring Antenna

HFRA 5164
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-4-39

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HFRA 5164 is manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized by EUTTEST Shenzhen.Passive magnetic field loop antennaThe antenna is designed to generate small to medium sized magnetic fields in the frequency range of 10 kHz to 120 MHz. We recommend this antenna for testing the IEC 61000-4-39 standard for immunity testing of medical devices from 150 kHz to 26 MHz. The antenna can be placed 50 mm above the surface of the EUT, and is supplied with a standard 50 mm spacer as an option, see Technical Data below.

Technical parameters:

Antenna Model HFRA 5164
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Test frequency range 10kHz-120MHz
Coil Direct 100mm
Number of coils 3 laps
Input impedance 50Ω
Maximum Input Current 5 minutes: 12A;

Continuous input: 8A;

Magnetic field strength at 1A current input 10.61 A/m
Input Connector BNC
Antenna Size 158*112*45mm
weight 250g
option AM9144 : Antenna Mounts

HFRA-Spacer50 : 50mm Fixed Test Interval Accessory

Graph of related technical parameters:

Installation view of HFRA 5164 and option HFRA-Spacer50

Installation diagram for option HFRA-Spacer50

Input power of HFRA 5164 vs. generated magnetic field strength

Plot of input power versus generated magnetic field strength