HFRA 5157 Schwarzbeck Launch Ring Antenna

HFRA 5157
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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HFRA 5157 is manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and authorized by EUTTEST Shenzhen.transmitting loop antennaThis antenna meter is designed to generate small to medium magnetic fields in the DC to 30MHz frequency range, and you can even test up to 50MHz.The antenna is wound with 2 coils, and the built-in coil is configured with a series resistor that allows testers to connect the antenna directly to 50Ω test equipment, providing a very flat frequency response curve across the entire frequency range.

Technical parameters:

Antenna Model HFRA 5157
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Test frequency range DC-30MHz
Input impedance 453 Ω
Number of coils 9 laps.
Ring Antenna Diameter 100 mm
Maximum voltage 48 V
Maximum current 105 mA
Input Connector BNC
Antenna Size 160*112*62mm
weight 250g
Mounting Bracket AM9144

Graph of related technical parameters:

Magnetic Field Strength Curve of HFRA 5157 Coil at 10mA Current

Magnetic Field Strength Curve for Coil Passing 10mA Current