HFRA 5155 Schwarzbeck Passive Magnetic Field TX Ring Antenna

HFRA 5155
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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The HFRA 5155 is a calibration device manufactured by Schwarzbeck in Germany and authorized for sale by EUTTEST in Shenzhen.Passive Magnetic Field TX Launch Loop AntennaThe antenna consists of a 50 mm diameter shielded single coil with a broadband transformer inside the antenna to achieve a flat frequency response curve and is designed to generate small to medium magnetic fields in the frequency range of 100 kHz to 300 MHz. The antenna is also equipped with a monitoring connector which is connected to a 10 kΩ voltage probe to monitor the antenna voltage during the test.

Monitor Connector Impedance Curve > 10kΩ for HFRA 5155

Monitor connector impedance curve > 10kΩ

Technical parameters:

Antenna Model HFRA 5155
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Test frequency range 100kHz-30MHz
Input impedance 50Ω
input power 2W
Built-in voltage probe impedance >10kΩ
Maximum monitoring voltage 4.4V
Maximum ring current 0.44A
Input Connector BNC
Antenna Size 105*60*62mm
weight 250g
Mounting Bracket AM9144

Graph of related technical parameters:

HFRA 5155 Plot of Antenna Current vs. Magnetic Field Strength Generated by the Antenna

Plot of antenna current versus magnetic field strength generated by the antenna