HFRA 5152 Schwarzbeck Magnetic Field Emitting Loop Antenna

HFRA 5152
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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The HFRA 5152 is a magnetic field transmitter loop antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck, Germany and distributed by EUTTEST, designed to generate a uniform magnetic field in the frequency range DC-3MHz. Tests require an external signal generator to be connected to the BNC input of the antenna, and the antenna is equipped with a second BNC monitoring connector that can be used with a high impedance voltmeter or oscilloscope to monitor the magnitude of the emitted RF level.

How to use:

This antenna can obtain the loop current from the voltage drop across the built-in 20 Ω resistor. For example, when the voltage at the monitoring connector is 50 mV, the loop current can be calculated to be 2.5 mA. In addition, the loop current of this antenna is proportional to the field strength generated by the antenna, and the output electric field strength is 0.01 V/m at a test distance of 1.3 meters, with a monitoring voltage of 50 mV. don't exceed the maximum value. . The maximum permissible monitoring voltage is 630 mV, beyond which the built-in resistor will be damaged and is not covered by warranty. For more information about the testing of this antenna, please contact our after-sales staff after purchasing.

Technical parameters:

Model number HFRA 5152
manufacturer Schwarbeck
agent Euttest
Ring antenna name Passive magnetic field loop antenna - launch
nominal frequency DC-3MHz
impedance 50Ω
ring diameter 250mm
Number of turns 3
Input Connector

RF Monitoring Connectors

BNC Connector
Maximum monitoring voltage 630mV
support sth. 3/8" connector Mates with AM9144 tripods
weight 0.4kg

Graph of related technical parameters:

HFRA 5152 Electric Field Strength at 50mV Monitor Voltage Input

Electric field strength generated when 50mV monitoring voltage is input.

HFRA 5152 Magnetic Field Strength at 50mV Monitor Voltage Input

Magnetic field strength at 50mV monitoring voltage input