HFRA 1356 Schwarzbeck Magnetic Field Emitting Ring Antenna

HFRA 1356
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:Passive magnetic field loop antenna

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The HFRA 1356 is a magnetic field transmitting loop antenna manufactured by Schwarzbeck (Germany) and distributed by EUTTEST. This antenna is a passive loop antenna that matches the resonant frequency of 13.56 MHz and effectively generates a 13.56 MHz magnetic field and is tested against near-field communication devices, NFC or RFID, which are shielded from electric fields.

Meets criteria:

The HFRA1356 meets the test requirements for NFC issues as specified in standards ISO 18092, ECMA 340, and ETSI TS 102 190. NFC is used for data communications over distances of a few centimeters, and the generator is typically rated at about 16 dBm output power, which is sufficient to generate a field strength of 1 A/m. With a generator output power of 25 watts, this antenna can achieve a field strength of 25 A/m in a short period of time.

Technical parameters:

Ring Antenna Model HFRA 1356
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Ring antenna name Passive magnetic field loop antenna - launch
nominal frequency 13.56MHz
impedance 50Ω
Voltage required for 1A/m 32 mV / 90 dBμV
Maximum generated field strength 25 A/m, 1 min
nominal field strength 20 A/m continuous
standing wave ratio (physics) <2
Maximum monitoring voltage 800 mV / 118 dBμV, 1 min
-3dB bandwidth 370kHz
coil (in electric motor or transformer) 2
ring diameter 250mm
terminal (electrical engineering) BNC
support screw 3/8″ UNC
weight 0.4kg

Graph of related technical parameters:

HFRA 1356 Magnetic Field Strength Curve at 32mV = 90dBμV Power Input

Magnetic Field Strength at 32mV = 90dBμV power input

Contact EUTTEST for other distance and input power related magnetic field strength data.