HFG01KIT01 Comparison Signal Source for Period Verification of Harmonic Scintillation Testers 2kHz

Including tax 13% unit price: 99999
Manufacturer brand:York
Equipment name:White noise and comb sources

Recommended test standards:IEC 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-3

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The HFG01KIT01 is a Harmonic Flicker Verification and Comparison Signal Source Kit manufactured by York in the UK and distributed by EUTTEST in Shenzhen. The kit contains a HFG01 Master Generator, which allows the user to periodically check that the calibration of the harmonic flicker test instrument complies with the test requirements of the following standards:

  • IEC/EN61000-3-2
  • IEC/EN61000-3-3
  • GB 17625.1
  • GB 17625.2
  • GB 17625.3

The HFG01 has a built-in stable load simulator, which can be directly connected to the EUT port of the harmonic flicker test instrument to carry out tests without the need to configure other equipment. Manual switching between harmonic test output mode and flicker test output mode is possible.

EUTTEST also offers harmonic flicker test equipment to IEC/EN61000-3-2 and IEC/EN61000-3-3, contact us for more information.

Configuration diagram for the use of HFG01KIT01

Using the Configuration Chart

Technical parameters:

Model number HFG01KIT01
producers York
agent Euttest.com
size 330mm*320mm*170mm
weight 6.5kgs
electric power source External 24Vdc 1A
Test Connectors CEE 7/7
Harmonic test range 50Hz-2kHz, up to 40th harmonic
vague (of speech) 1Hz and 8.33Hz
Standard Accessories HFG01 Harmonic Flicker Generator

CAL12 harmonic flicker test data

Tested to the 40th harmonic according to IEC/EN61000-3-2

1Hz and 8.33Hz flicker rate tested according to IEN/EN61000-3-3

user manual

External Power Supply

EUTTEST Training Services

HFG01KIT01 Fixed mode output harmonics result fixed harmonics mode

Fixed mode output harmonics result fixed harmonics mode

HFG01KIT01 fluctuating mode output harmonics result fluctuating harmonics mode

Fluctuating mode output harmonics result fluctuating harmonics mode

HFG01KIT01 Flicker test results

Flicker test results

You can also pick up generator kits with higher blinking frequencies:HFG02KIT01