FMZB 1525 Schwarzbeck Active Handheld Receiver Loop Antenna

FMZB 1525
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:active magnetic field loop antenna

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The FMZB 1525 is an active handheld loop antenna manufactured by schwarzbeck and authorized for sale by EUTTEST in Shenzhen, Germany. The diameter of the loop antenna is 300 mm, which can be used for frequency selective measurements of magnetic field (or virtual electric field) in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz. 125 dBµV/m magnetic field strength.

This loop antenna has an almost constant antenna factor over the entire frequency range and can be used for testing according to CISPR, MIL, FCC, EN, ISO, ANSI, ETSI and many other standards. Active loop antennas are particularly suitable for mobile applications, e.g. with handheld spectrum analyzers. It can be combined with a CISPR 16 EMI receiver to form a convenient field strength measurement system with low noise and impulse measurements.

  • If you need a ring antenna with a diameter of 50cm, you can purchase it:FMZB 1519 C
  • If you need a ring antenna with a diameter of 60cm, you can purchase it:FMZB 1519-60 D

Technical parameters:

Model number FMZB 1525
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
Test frequency range 9kHz-30MHz
Antenna Diameter 300mm
connector N
Electric field antenna coefficient 10dB/m
Magnetic field antenna coefficient -41.5 dB/Ωm
Maximum magnetic field strength 125 dBµV/m (1.8 V/m)
frequency response <±3dB
Built-in battery operating time >12 hours.
Antenna Size 165mm*350mm*45mm
weight 540g
Optional antenna holder AM9144


power adapter ACS48

Graph of related technical parameters:

FMZB 1525 Antenna Coefficient Plots of Magnetic and Electric Fields for Measuring Field Environments

Antenna coefficient profiles of magnetic and electric fields for measuring field environments