FMZB 1512 Schwarzbeck Active Handheld Ring Antenna 150mm Diameter

FMZB 1512
Manufacturer brand:Schwarzbeck
Equipment name:active magnetic field loop antenna

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FMZB 1512 is a Schwarzbeck active shielded handheld loop antenna, the antenna's active design allows it to be built-in a preamplifier, we also designed a switch to control the amount of gain, there are a total of 12 antenna gain can be selected for the full 30MHz band range, of course, the change in gain also leads to changes in the antenna coefficients, please select the appropriate antenna gain to start testing according to the test requirements. Please choose the appropriate antenna gain to start the test according to the test requirements.

The FMZB 1512 offers 12 built-in gain and antenna coefficients for customer selection.

12 built-in gain and antenna coefficients available for customer selection

FMZB 1512 Antenna Coefficient Plot after Gain Control by Switching

Plot of antenna coefficients after gain control by switching

This antenna has an almost constant antenna coefficient over the entire frequency range and can be used for frequency selective measurements of magnetic fields (or simulated electric fields) in the frequency range from 9kHz to 30MHz, in compliance with tests according to CISPR, MIL, FCC, EN, ISO, ANSI, ETSI and many other standards.

EUTTEST is the agent of SCHWARZBECK, and sells all products of Germany SCHWARZBECK, please contact EUTTEST for quotation and product delivery.

  • If you need a ring antenna with a diameter of 50cm, you can purchase it:FMZB 1519 C
  • If you need a ring antenna with a diameter of 60cm, you can purchase it:FMZB 1519-60 D


The FMZB1512 active loop antenna is particularly suitable for mobile applications, e.g. if used with a hand-held spectrum analyzer, in combination with a CISPR 16 EMI receiver, it can form a convenient magnetic field strength measurement system with low noise and impulse measurement capabilities.

Magnetic and electric field conversion equations:

This antenna requires the use of the following formulas to calculate the generated magnetic and electric fields, contact us for more information on how to use them.

  • F [dBµV/m]=G [dBµA/m]+51.5 dB
  • E [V/m] = H [A/m] x 377Ω
  • F: electric field strength level
  • G: Magnetic field strength level
  • Z = 120 πΩ = 377 Ω

Technical parameters:

Model number FMZB 1512
Antenna name active loop antenna
manufacturer Schwarzbeck
agent Euttest
Frequency range: 9 kHz - 30 MHz
Ring Diameter: 150mm
Connectors: N-Buchse 50 Ω

N-female 50 Ω

Electric field antenna coefficients: 20 dB/m
Magnetic field antenna coefficients: -31.5 dB/Ωm
Built-in attenuator: 0-33dB in 3dB steps
Maximum field strength: 162 dBµV/m (126 V/m)

110.5 dBµA/m (0.33 A/m)

Built-in battery: NiMH 9.6 V / 800 mAh

Charger: ACS48

Operating time > 12 h

Typical: 16 h

Size: 165 mm x 350 mm x 45 mm
Weight: 500g